LODGING HOUSE MISSION.......Updates and information

Lodging House Mission

Williamwood Parish Church continues to support LHM by donating foodstuff and toiletries. Jim Purvis is happy to have donations dropped off at 86 Hillview Drive any  Friday, or to collect from donors, then to take them to LHM where they are most gratefully received. Your continued support is greatly valued.


Below are the links for two volunteer roles at the LHM.  Click on them for further information

volunteer role front of house team

volunteer role chaplaincy team


The following appeal is from Jim Purvis 

Dear Friends,

Williamwood Parish Church has been supporting Lodging House Mission for some time, providing volunteers to prepare and serve meals for their clients, but Covid19 has put a halt to this operation for the time being. Members of the congregation have been donating toiletries and food supplies, which I have delivered to LHM where they have been gratefully received. In the past few months donations have dwindled substantially and I am appealing for more people to support this scheme.  Here is the list of suggested items

Donations can be left at the church any Sunday morning, or I can collect them from you if you ‘phone me on 0141 620 3529.

Thank you all, Jim Purvis.

Toiletries Food
Shaving foam
Face cloths
Men’s deodorant
Disposable face masks
Tinned meat
Tinned meals (example: macaroni/cheese, Irish stew, minced beef & onions, etc.)
Jars of pasta sauce (BUT NOT PASTA)
Tinned potatoes or packets of Smash
Sugar (0.5 kg packs if possible)
Tinned fruit
‘kettle foods’ such as cup-a-soups, pot-noodles, etc.)


To access the Lodging House Mission Website just click on the link below

Another delivery of supplies from Jim Purvis for the LHM